Wednesday, September 12, 2007

rAndOm but delightFUL day?

wOKe up EARly iN the morNing and heAdEd out to SAnta monica to go cheCK oN my neW saiD it should be done in deceMber sometimE..LIFE truely is GOOD right now..jusT kEEP GOD in my prAYErs and he juST kEEPs on bleSSINg me....o0ooo yEH and im wALKin disTANce to FRED SegaLS and aCtive lmaooo!!!!!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

driving dowN saNTa monica blvd and momz sEEN this lil legendary burger placE she hasnt atE aT since she was a little kiD so0o she wantEd to sTOp and geT a bite...aND dAMN wASNt that a BOMB ass meAL yO!!!!!!!!!!!

HERES someINFO about Doroles below:

Dolores Restaurant, 11407 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, 310 477-1061 open 24 hours. since 1944

This location was originally a Sheri's Coffee Shop. One of the oldest coffee shops around, on the outskirts of Santa Monica right off the 405. Good coffee shop food. If I'm not mistaken the 1944 inception refers to another late and great defunct branch - Dolores Drive-In (see the Extinct Page).
Not far from the Arsenal bar, Rae's, the Galley Restaurant, Casa Escobar restaurant, Snug Harbor and the Apple Pan Restaurant.


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